Thursday, November 7, 2013

Monument Square - Our Lady of Victories

Monument Square Our Lady of Victories
October 26th

Alright first off I despise this picture, but I guess it is what it is haha. 

But back to the history stuff, this statue in monument square is HUGE. Walking up to it and paying it the attention it deserves helped me realize just how massive this thing is.
On top of it's size, it's also very detailed and beautiful. The lady on top is very obviously visible from all angles, another side has soldiers from the civil war standing and looking into the distance.

While doing some googling I found a picture of the statue in 1939.

The statue itself is almost exactly the same, however the ground around it has changed. Although it still holds the same meaning. The statue is inscribed with "Portland - To her sons who died - For the Union".
It is very obviously a tribute to the soldiers who served in the Civil war from Maine. In total there was 80,000 men sent off to fight for the Union. At the time, and even today that's a substantial portion of the states population leaving for war.
In total it consisted of 32 infantry units, two Calvary regiments,  2 artillery regiments, and one ex Governor.

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